Sobloo was established to support the Copernicus programme by making data freely available to to all users and non-discriminatory, through a cloud computing architecture.
SPRINT provides unprecedented access to the expertise and facilities at top UK space universities to help businesses accelerate the development of their products and services through the commercial exploitation of space data and technologies.
The European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) aims to promote economic, social and territorial cohesion across the EU. It is specifically focused on supporting economic growth and job creation whilst contributing to “smart, sustainable and inclusive growth in England”.

The Smart Cities team at Leicester City Council works with partners including businesses and universities to facilitate the development of ‘Smart’ opportunities and solutions to key challenges facing the City.
The National Centre for Earth Observation (NCEO) provides the UK with core expertise in Earth Observation science, data sets and merging techniques, and model evaluation to underpin Earth System research and the UK’s international contribution to environmental science.
Global Food Security (GFS) facilitates new interdisciplinary research to address food system challenges, and provides a platform for working in partnership with a wide variety of stakeholders and users, both internationally and in the UK.
CoRdiNet is an open network with five Copernicus Relays with a coordinating function on local, regional, cluster and national levels. It supports, promotes and stimulates digitalisation and new business solutions based on Earth observation data from the Copernicus project.
Since its establishment in 1998, The Food and Drink Forum Ltd has built a strong reputation for supporting and developing successful food enterprises as well as representing the industry at a local, regional and national level.
The East Midlands Centre of Excellence in Satellite Applications links the science base with large industry and SMEs around the UK, to enable the development of applications and solutions, as well as to engage the wider end user market.
Space Park Leicester is an ambitious initiative that will develop a global hub and collaborative community for businesses, researchers and academia based on space and space-enabled technologies. Offering high-tech facilities and capabilities, it will be a brand new hub for the analysis and commercialisation of space-enabled data and space mission development.
Catapult Satellite Applications (SA) is a unique technology and innovation company, boosting UK productivity by helping organisations harness the power of satellite based services. It works with, both large and small companies, bring new services to market. By connecting industry and academia, Catapult SA gets new research off the ground and into the market more quickly.