“Food security occurs when all people are able to access enough safe and nutritious food to meet their requirements for a healthy life, in ways the planet can sustain into the future. However, food security faces a number of challenges across both production and consumption which research will be essential to solve.”
- Through knowledge exchange activity, develop solutions to address global and local needs applicable to all and based on specific food and water security challenges.
- Raise awareness – locally, nationally, internationally – of the commitment of University of Leicester in:
- developing solutions supporting UK and EU space, environment and security agencies;
- supporting the food and drink industries.
- Engage with students providing an opportunity on a challenge while increasing employment opportunity through exposure to networks and businesses.
- Engage with individuals, companies, academics and stakeholders to introduce the opportunities of Copernicus programme;
- Use the Copernicus Hackathon as a vehicle for developing collaborative projects between Academia and Business;
- Develop new ideas along the Food and Drink supply chain based on the use of Copernicus data and services.
Food/water security, and its resilience within a changing climate is a United Nations sustainable development goal. Participants can choose any theme to work on during the Copernicus Hackathon which could include:
- Use of logistics, supply chain and block chain for food/water security;
- Smart agriculture;
- New services/technologies (e.g. smart insurance);
- Resource mapping/stock taking;
- Any societal or technical challenge relevant to the theme.
Structure of the Hackathon
Selection of Participants: Expressions of Interest for participation will be assessed and selected throughout the registration period by a Panel.
Award of travel grants: throughout the registration period (and subject to funding availability), participants from outside the UK may apply for a travel grant (subject to availability) by sending us an email.
Call for Ideas: Closed.
Training session: 12th September 2019. Training on Agile and Rapid MVP (Minimal Viable Product) developments, Copernicus data access and useful coding libraries will be delivered to the selected project teams and to any developer, designers, researcher and industry participant willing to take part in the Copernicus Hackathon (invitation only for all participants).
Copernicus Hackathon : 19 & 20 September 2019. Over an exciting 48 hours, teams will work collaboratively using Copernicus data and their coding experience to practically develop solutions addressing one of the proposed themes.